The Ghost-Terminator Column

Ghost peaks are contaminant peaks that appear even when no sample is injected.
Causes: Dirty pre-column or column, residue in injector, impurities in mobile phase.
Ghost Terminator column is impressively designed to trap most ghost peaks before HPLC analysis.
Perfectly suitable for HPLC analysis.
Very easy to install between the gradient mixer and the sample injector.
Tried and tested in food, chemical, environmental & pharmaceutical analysis.
Competently removes most ghost peaks, driving down time for method development and impurity analysis.
Lifetime of the column: 3000 hours with stable baseline.
pH Stability of the column: 1-14.

Install the Ghost Terminator column between the gradient mixer and sampler.

Live Demonstration to install
the Ghost-Terminator Column.

Why Ghost-Terminator is the perfect solution?

Competently removes most ghost peaks, driving down time for method development and impurity analysis.
Genuinely compatible with water and organic solvents.
Effortless and quick installation and maintenance.
Practically detects trace impurities in mobile phases or residues.
Economic and can be used multiple times.

How not to use the Ghost-Terminator!

Ion-pairing solvents and amine additives e.g. Ammonia, triethlyamine may adversely affect the column causing CHANGE in retention time and peak shape.
Ghost peaks due to a bad detector CANNOT be resolved by the column.
IF installed and used like a guard column target peaks may disappear
DO NOT flush the column with 100% water for a very long time.
NOTE: Service life of the column may vary due to analysis conditions, mobile phase & its purity.
A new column is recommended when results are not accomplished.